Configuration parameters for Postgres adapter

Note that all properties can be set as either Java system properties or as environment variables by converting every letter to upper case and replacing all non-word characters with an underscore. Environment variables has higher priority than system properties.

Vertx cluster configuration

Parameter Type Description Ip address Address to use for vertx cluster Ip address Address to broadcast on eventbus for vertx cluster

Logging configuration

Parameter Type Description
quarkus.log.level String Main log level
quarkus.log.console.level String Log level for console output

CORS configuration

Parameter Type Description
quarkus.http.cors Boolean Enable/disable CORS String Allowed origins
quarkus.http.cors.methods String Methods to allow CORS for
quarkus.http.cors.headers String Headers to allow CORS for String Exposed headers to allow CORS for

Database configuration

Parameter Type Description
quarkus.datasource.driver String JDBC driver name
quarkus.datasource.url String JDBC database url
quarkus.datasource.username String Database username
quarkus.datasource.password String Database password
quarkus.hibernate-orm.dialect String Hibernate dialect
quarkus.hibernate-orm.database.generation String Hibernate database generation
quarkus.hibernate-orm.log.sql Boolean Hibernate query logging
quarkus.flyway.baseline-version String Flyway baseline version
quarkus.flyway.baseline-description String Flyway baseline description
quarkus.flyway.migrate-at-start Boolean Flyway migrate database on startup
quarkus.flyway.baseline-on-migrate Boolean Flyway go to baseline on migrate

File deletion configuration

Parameter Type Description
deletion.physical_file.enabled Boolean Enable/disable physical file deletion

Asset deletion configuration

Parameter Type Description
asset.expire.after-deleted Duration Retain asset for a period of time after it has been deleted. During this period the asset can be un-deleted

Static API configuration

Parameter Type Description
ap.adapter.postgres.static.anonymous.path String Location on local filesystem where static files are located for non-authenticated users
ap.adapter.postgres.static.authenticated.path String Location on local filesystem where static files are located for authenticated users

Job configuration

Parameter Type Description
se.codemill.ap.user-jobs.keep Duration Retention window for user created jobs
se.codemill.ap.system-jobs.keep Duration Retention window for system created jobs
se.codemill.ap.heartbeat.timeout Duration Duration to keep jobs alive for a runner before timing them out when no heartbeats are received
se.codemill.ap.metadata-triggers String List of tuples of metadata keys and job template id to trigger on metadata changes separated by semi-colon. Tuples are also separated by semi-colon. Example for two triggers: `some_metadata_key_name;some_template_to_start;asset_status;asset_status_job_template

Authentication configuration

Parameter Type Description
auth.enabled Boolean Enable/disable authentication
auth.fallback.username Boolean Username to use when authentication is disabled Boolean Enable/disable basic authentication String File where user credentials are located for basic authentication, must be on classpath String File where user roles are located for basic authentication, must be on classpath
auth.jwt.enabled Boolean Enable/disable JWT token authentication
auth.jwt.alg String JWT token signing alorithm. Currently RS256 and RS512 are supported, default is RS256
auth.jwt.issuer String JWT issuer
auth.jwt.issuer.enforced Boolean Enabled/disable JWT issuer check, default is true
auth.jwt.jwk.filename String Filename or URI of jwk set file to use for JWK token verification
auth.jwt.username String JWT claim that contains the username
auth.jwt.groups String JWT claim that contains the user groups and roles
auth.jwt.superuser.client_ids String JWT client ids that should be given the superuser role implicitly
auth.jwt.superuser.groups String Groups that should be given the superuser role implicitly Map Group expansions to apply on JWT groups, example:"My group"=av_viewer

Access control configuration

Parameter Type Description
acl.enabled Boolean Enable/disable access control for assets and ingested files Boolean Enable/disable access control for storages and non-ingested files

AWS Marketplace reporting

Parameter Type Description Default
aws.region String The AWS region to use Same as region as EC2 instance running the application Boolean Enable/disable marketplace reporting. false String The dimension name to use for unique users of the viewer type. user_viewer String The dimension name to use for unique users of the user type. user_user String The dimension name to use for unique users of the admin type. user_admin String The product code to use when reporting metrics NOT_SET Integer The number of hours to wait before/after calander month reset before continuing reporting metrics 3 Duration Determines how often metrics are reported. ISO-8601 duration format. 1h