
IBC 2019: What top broadcaster are all calling for

Dinesh Damodaran
Dec 03, 2019

2019 was a particularly big event for us, launching our new product suite Accurate Video: world-class video software for a better, faster and more cost-effective media supply chain.

It was great, as ever, to catch up and meet with colleagues old and new at IBC in Amsterdam.

2019 was a particularly big event for us, launching our new product suite Accurate Video: world-class video software for a better, faster and more cost-effective media supply chain.

We especially enjoyed some of the positive feedback we received, from hands-on demos of the new software at our booth.

In terms of the wider trends and conversation happening across the event, there was a great quote from 20th Century Fox's SVP of Technology Arjun Ramamurthy that particularly caught our eye, as recounted by IBC:

“We want the best of breed tools, but they need to be interchangeable and interoperable – I would say that this is the key message here for manufacturers at IBC.”

This was music to our ears, chiming with everything we have done since beginning our work around evolving the media supply chain. Just as it says on our website – making it API-based, cloud-native and designed for seamless integration.

To keep up with the marked increase in formats and channels, Universal Pictures’ CTO Michael Wise also stressed the need for “faster production cycles and more rapid iterations.”

And to that point, industry joint venture MovieLabs added that “assets need to be created and ingested straight into the cloud. Any tools used on content assets in this new workflow must come to the cloud, rather than the other way around.”

Just to re-emphasize the point, 20th Century Fox's Ramamurthy “stressed that the major Hollywood studios now needed “everyone in the production ecosystem” to work with them on this journey.”

Following this year’s IBC, there can no longer be any doubt what a better, faster and more cost-effective media supply chain looks like: modular, cloud-based and built around a micro-service architecture.

In other words, the future-proof media supply chain is built with Accurate Video.

Find out more about our new product suite, or get in touch to find out more directly.

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